
Xuzhou Lige Metal Material Co., Ltd.

Xuzhou Lippu Metallurgical Materials Co., Ltd.

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Talent Concept:

A person is suitable for his position, and his position is suitable for his person;

Rigo Metal pays great attention to the present, development and future of employees. When selecting employees, they will follow the principle of selecting people according to their posts, and put the right employees in the right positions, so that their personal abilities can be fully displayed. After the improvement of work ability, according to the personal ability and growth results, it will provide high positions for competitive recruitment, the survival of the fittest, and further enhance the employee's sense of accomplishment. Adhering to the concept of respecting talents, harmonious innovation, not only the academic qualifications, but also the level, the use of people depends on the strengths, performance, ability, and potential. Through the establishment of a fair competition mechanism and a good cultural environment, the use of talents, fully mobilize the initiative and creativity of each employee, let employees love their duties and do their best, and achieve greater personal value.

Employment strategy:

Our way of employing people: good at using people, using right people, using people well, keeping people, training people.

Our principle of employing people: employ the strengths of the people, avoid the shortcomings, make use of the partial talents, and value all-round talents.

Our employment rules: Those who discover and cultivate talents are rewarded, and those who bury or suppress talents are punished.

Our employment system: dynamic conversion system; in-position monitoring system; expiry rotation system; dolphin promotion system; competitive employment system and dynamic equity incentive system.

Our formula for assessing and evaluating talents: personal comprehensive quality = knowledge + ability + performance + public opinion. Combine performance management with employee appraisal and leadership appraisal, focus on comprehensive evaluation results, and establish a scientific talent evaluation index system.


COPYRIGHT ?Xuzhou Lige Metal Material Co., Ltd.
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