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What are the main characteristics of industrial manganese
release time:2020-08-13 17:28:40      The number of clicks:566

A variety of additives are used in many large metal production companies, and manganese is a solvent that is dried, mixed, and molded by high-resistant metal powder and a flux with certain characteristics. The main characteristics of manganese agent are obvious, with the advantage of high density, and up and down under the action of gravity and molten salt gas, and the reaction speed is relatively fast. Especially in the process of making aluminum master alloy, it can replace the master alloy, and has the advantages of small size and convenient storage and transportation.

In the production process of many aluminum products, you can add manganese to improve the performance advantages of aluminum products. The element content of the manganese agent is 75% Mn, and the actual yield is greater than 90%, and it can be directly put into use. The usage method is relatively simple, you only need to calculate the additives needed according to the actual yield of 90%. Disperse it evenly and throw it into the aluminum molten pool, and then perform manual stirring to ensure a certain diffusion time.

Do you understand the main characteristics of manganese agent? This product is gray-black block. The manganese agent has a small volume and a relatively high density. It is mainly used for the smelting of metal products. The actual yield is greater than 90% and the element content is 75% Mn. Convenient and can also reduce the melting temperature. We must master the correct use of manganese agent, and also pay attention to its storage method. It can be stored in a relatively cool, dry and ventilated place to keep it dry. Special care must be taken not to let the manganese agent get wet.

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